Sunday, September 27, 2020

Fur and Brimstone

So, one of the things I've been working on - as time and inspiration permit - has been "Savaging" Palladium's TMNTaOS/AtB, or at least creating something that was a respectful tip of the hat to Erick Wujcik and Kevis Siembieda's games.  The main difficulty has been paying homage to the BIO-E system of building/customizing your "Mutant Animal", arguably the heart of the game.  I'm currently on version two of the system, which looks promising.

The second was building it around a Plot Point setting instead of having it be a sandbox for playing mutant animals.  I also wanted to keep it in modern times, as opposed to going straight to post-apocalyptic AtB.  Initially I figured on going with the escaped animals trope a-la "The Plague Dogs", or maybe working for a PMC (Private Military Contractor) tentatively titled, "Dogs of War".  Neither of these really worked for me.

That's where this articles title come in, "Fur and Brimstone".  A couple nights ago the image of a mutant alley cat fighting a winged demon popped into my head.  Then I remembered that animals are supposed to be sensitive to the paranormal, and I figured that I had a pretty good idea for a campaign: Supernatural beings are infiltrating the world, the human hunters have been nearly wiped out, and humanities last chance rests on a handful of Mutant Animal Demon Hunters. (or something like that)

I want the mutant animal creation system to be able to stand on its own so anyone can play what they want, but I also want there to be some sort of skeleton to support it like the TMNT comics supported the original TMNTaOS RPG.

Once I have more, I'll see about posting it.

Monday, March 30, 2020

Please Stand By

Due to the current pandemic situation, updates will be sporadic for a while.

Sunday, March 29, 2020

World of Pendar - Ghost Stones

[This is a work in progress]

Ghost Stones appear to be pitch black, obsidian-like, rocks that were mined from a few, now exhausted, locations around Burr, but more sites have been located across Pendar.  For millennia, these stones have been used by practitioners of magic to amplify their powers, and by artificers to imbue magical powers into mundane objects, weapons, and armor.  The power of these stones rest at the very heart of them, in a nearly indestructible shard, or sliver.  It is this sliver that must be extracted and crafted into an object before an artificer can enchant it.

While a properly extracted Ghost Stone Shard is nearly indestructible, they can be particularly volatile while still in the raw stone.  Hitting a raw Ghost Stone with enough damage can cause one to explode with a considerable amount of force.  While the number of Ghost Stone mines that have been lost to a careless pick strike are few, the worst one caused a chain reaction that destroyed an entire mountain and several nearby villages.


REQUIREMENTS: Veteran, Artificer
The Artificer can now work with Ghost Stone Shards.  Artifacts created this way do not permanently draw Power Points from their creator, but instead from the Shards own Power Point reserve (see Ghost Stone Ranks), which Recharge at a rate of 3 per hour that the artifact is not being used.  The Artificer must still spend their own power to imbue the new artifact with one or more Powers or Edges, an act that can take days and is quite exhausting to the Artificer.


Saturday, February 1, 2020

World of Pendar - Lore: Part 1

[This is a work in progress]

The Land of Buur was thought to be the only land upon which Human, Elf, and Dwarf kind had to call home on their world, and as such had been divided up among the three races since the beginning of recorded time.

The Human's control three Nations: Nauris, Tulum, and Vekland; The Elves two Nations: Terminia and Hinterstol; and the Dwarves one grand Nation: Dru Onos.

Nauris and Tulum were simple nations of farmers and artisans. Vekland was a land of dreamers that aspired to some day be the seat of all power in Buur, but always sat in the shadow of Terminia, the home the finest craftsmen, artists, and magics in all the lands. Hinterstol is a rugged yet bountiful land, but its people tend to keep to themselves. Dru Onos, the original home of the Dwarves, once the wealthiest and most vast nation in all Buur, reached from heights of the peaks of the Eshien Mountains to the depths of the Buur itself. Dru Onos is now called the Scorched Lands. Tales tell that more than a millennia ago, a great evil was set loose when the Dwarves delved too deep into the heart of Buur. The evil raced across the Dwarves homeland consuming everything in its path, leaving nothing but blackened earth. The Dwarves that survived were granted lands to build three small city-states: Belmoor (in Hinterstol), Alisha (in Terminia), and Glaryan (in Nauris).

Over a century ago, in a bid to one-up Terminia, the royal family of Vekland commissioned an expedition to strike out upon the Endless Ocean to find new lands. Years later one expedition returned with news of a new continent, larger that Buur. The land had been named Pendar, after the captain of the ship that first set foot on its shore, a Glaryan Dwarf by the name of Arel Pendar.

Following the announcement of the discovery of Pendar, a great wave of emigration began from the overpopulated lands across Buur. This emigration initially caused a great bit of strife across Buur as many nations lost some of their greatest minds and workers. During this dark time Nauris and Tulum were annexed by Vekland, and all but the Dwarves forbade their people from emigrating to this new world.

While there is currently peace between the nations, everyone feels that war could break out at any time. This uneasiness has been compounded by rumor that the borders of the Scorched Lands have begun to grow, and that "things" have been seen moving into the neighboring lands.

Saturday, January 25, 2020

World of Pendar - Elves

When I started my setting of Pendar, I went with generic fantasy races in the Deluxe Explorers Edition (Elf, Dwarf, Human, Rakashans, and Saurian) plus a homebrew Wolfen race for Players to choose from.  However, I always wanted to flesh them out a bit more to give them more flavor and break them out of the typical fantasy mold.  The two main Elven races I came up with are the Terminian Elves, which come from the most affluent region of Susland, and the Hinterstol Elves, who embrace the wilderness and the richness that it provides.

There are a few references to the lore in the descriptions that may not make sense, but I'll get the setting's lore posted as soon I get it cleaned up and presentable.

Terminians value fine arts, high culture, and magic.  Based on their long history of contributions to the arts and magics in the continent, the Elves from this nation have a high opinion of themselves compared to the other races, especially the Hinterstol Elves.  Their culture and diet are heavily influenced by the sea, and their vineyards, thus the majority of the common folk tend to be farmers or fishers.

Terminian Elves are all tall, slender, and olive-skinned.  They typically have jet black or silver hair and gray eyes, wear fine clothing and quite often wear numerous ear rings on their pointed ears.

(+2)POWER POINTS: Terminians are all innately magic, and start with 5 Power Points.  While a majority of Terminians do not have an Arcane Background, they are able to channel this power through Arcane Devices with ease.

(-1)ALL THUMBS: Elves have an inherent dislike of mechanical objects, and thus have the All Thumbs Hindrance. They shun most mechanical items and designs.

(+1)LOW LIGHT VISION: Elven eyes amplify light. Other races often claim they can see stars in the elves’ eyes. They ignore penalties for Dim and Dark Illumination.

(-2)THIN SKINNED: (Major) Personal attacks really get under this individual’s skin. They subtracts 4 when resisting Taunt attacks.

(+2)PERFORMER: All Terminian families raise their children to embrace an art form of some sort early in life, and so begin with a Performance of d6 and may raise it to a maximum of d12+1.  For a Terminian, Performance may also include art forms that wouldn't normally require an audience (painting, carving, carpentry, etc.).

The Elves of the land-locked nation of Hinterstol are best known as excellent hunters and lovers of nature.  The Hinterstol are the oldest of the surviving Elven races on the continent, and while they are looked down upon by their more "civilized" cousins in Terminia, the Hinterstol pay them little attention preferring to spend their time closer to nature, which is one of the reasons the Hinterstol welcomed the majority of the Dwarves fleeing from the Scorched Lands.

Hinterstol Elves are often mistaken for Humans due to their build, but are easily distinguished by the typical pointed elven ears.  Hinterstol culture is known for their love of ales, smoked meats, and all variety of pie.

(+2)KEEN SENSES: Hinterstol have acute senses, giving them the Alertness Edge.  They are very observant and perceptive, and adds +2 to their Notice rolls to hear, see, or otherwise sense the world around them.

(-1)ALL THUMBS: Elves have an inherent dislike of mechanical objects, and thus have the All Thumbs Hindrance. They shun most mechanical items and designs.

(+1)LOW LIGHT VISION: Elven eyes amplify light. Other races often claim they can see stars in the elves’ eyes. They ignore penalties for Dim and Dark Illumination.

(-2)OVERCONFIDENT: There’s nothing out there a Hinterstol can’t defeat. At least that’s what they have been raised to believe. They never want to retreat from a challenge. Not suicidal, but generations of surviving in the wilds has instilled in them a sense of bravado in taking on more than common sense dictates.

(+2)SURVIVALIST: Hinterstol practically grow up in the woods with a bow in their hand, and thus receive a +2 bonus to any Survival roll.

Friday, January 3, 2020


Greetings fellow fans of Savage Worlds. Coming soon to this URL will be content for and about Savage Worlds. Savage Warehouse will be the second in my game system fan blogs, the original being AtB Warehouse where I have posted content primarily relating to Palladium Books After the Bomb [alt] setting, as well as a few relating to the original TMNT and Other Strangeness.

My history with Savage Worlds started the summer of 2019 when I picked up a couple copies of the Deluxe Explorer Edition at my local game store.  I was impressed by how flexible it appeared and the "fast and furious" combat style.  The first campaign I came up with to run some friends through was a Western in a Fantasy World setting, since named "Gunslingers of Pendar".  I cobbled together bits of Deadlands with a fantasy game world I had first started creating back in the 90's for Palladium Books Fantasy RPGPendar had only been used once in the past for a short lived play-by-chat game, so it was nice that I was going to finally put it to some use again.

My intentions are to post some home-brew Mini SettingsPlot Point Campaigns, Savage Tales, and optional Settings Rules, Races, Edges, Hindrancesetc.  Content should be tagged with #SWADE or #SWD, if it's meant for one edition or the other.  I don't have any set schedule for when postings will occur, but will try my best to post once a month for starters and see if I can generate more as I progress.

Feedback it greatly appreciated!  It will let me know if there is any interest in the content I post here, and help let me know what you are interested in seeing going forward.

Quick Addendum: Since this blog will not be devoted to a single setting, I'm thinking that I will head each post with a banner denoting which setting it is for.